Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We finally were able to meet with the surgeon today. It sounds like there are a couple of options for Mya, but everything is hinging on the reality of her heart situation, which is fairly unclear. So from our understanding, she could have one of two situations, both requiring a 2nd open heart surgery: Option 1. An intramural coronary artery which is possible to repair. The artery has possibly grown into the wall of the aorta, and they could go in surgically to fix it, by making the space bigger, allowing blood to flow easier throughout. Option 2. A narrowed coronary artery that didn't develop fully. This one is the more difficult situation, and pending the reality of it, the only choice (from his perspective) would be to do a bypass. However, our surgeon isn't comfortable with that, he feels that since she's so small it has a high risk of going bad and has had a negative outcome with a previous patient. So, from his perspective a better fix for this would be to consider a heart transplant (worst case scenario). He isn't making the decision himself, they're still planning to take it to a group of masterminds to hash out the choice. We are still unsure of the timing and decisions, but from what we understand, they may just have to open her heart back up to see what they find, since tests don't show the details to the level they need. This surgery is a timely decision too, since they're leaving the breathing tube in, it could potentially be by the end of the week. Or, they may choose for us to go home and come back in a few weeks to do the other surgery... not sure. Please pray for option 1! We had a nice day today in light of the situation, our little friend Noelle's surgery went well. They're our neighbors 2 doors down in the ICU. We also took a CPR class given by the hospital and spent an hour tonight playing with Mya. She's been so sweet. She even had a slight smile at one point, playing a minor amount of peek-a-boo with Daddy. We've been so generously taken care of, thank you Persons & Deumans for dinner- they've been wonderful. We also want to thank our church & my vanpool for the generous amount of gift cards that have been sent our way. You are all so wonderful. Please pray for our friends the Herberts, they're son is here at children's too (I really wish we would stop meeting friends here!!!), he just had surgery today on his arm and will be here a couple of days for the recovery. From my understanding it went well, but prayer for a strong fix/recovery.


Nurse Ora said...

"Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer." Psalm 94:19

Anonymous said...

Lord, increase our faith in your healing power! We know that our faith and prayers are at work in Mya, Julie & Rob's lives. We pray for the doctors and for the touch of God on that little artery and it's repair.

Anna said...

I know that God has big things planned for little Mya and I believe that He will make her strong!
You two are doing a great jog in being strong for your daughter!

Unknown said...

Julie. I am happy to hear they have some options for her and I am praying hard that option 1 will fix everything. The Lord is powerful and will hold your hands through this rough time. Mya has proven to be a fighter and will fight hard to beat this. She is a beautiful precious little girl. I'm thinking of you often and praying that things are going to go in a favorable way.

AngMomof3 said...

Julie good talking to you on the phone this morning. May today bring more joyous awake time for Mya and clarity for the medical community!

Carissalayla said...

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Hebrews 13:8

He loves you guys!