Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Meeting Friends and Family
It's been 4 days since our little one arrived, and we've enjoyed our time with her so much! She's been able to meet a lot of our family and friends, we are very thankful for all the people in our lives. Here are a few more pictures, I finally have been able to get more time to update the blog. Kylie was breech, and so we ended up having to do a c-section birth, a very different experience from my delivery of Mya!
Our family of four. Rob with his girls!


Suzanne Holling said...

GREAT photo's thanks for sharing! Its nice to see my husband, even on the internet! I hope you weren't up taking all these photo's. Take care and I hope dr visits go well and you can come visit :)

Michelle said...

In trying to turn Kylie so she's looking at the camera, we made her look so uncomfortable! Sheesh. Aunt and Uncle fail!