Monday, December 21, 2009

The perfect little gift!

At the end of the year, I commonly think back over all that's been done in the previous 12 months. I've been recently looking through our many pictures, that act as our family journal. I was flipping through the difficult photos of Mya in the hosptial only 5 months ago, I can't help but think of how close to losing her we were... I continue to be reminded of the healing power of God. From the thousands of prayers for our daughter, loving hands of the medical staff, and hundreds of notes/words of encouragement we received from friends and family, there is no question in my mind that our little girl has a wonderful purpose in life. The only way we made it through the difficult time was our faith. We had no choice but to give our little girl to God, since relying on God was our only option. The odds were against a successful surgery, not to mention Mya's survival. I've never been in that kind situation before, totally out of control. Once we surrendered our "control," we were clearly guided to make several right choices, and with it came an amazing sense of peace. Many people commented on how "together" we seemed. We can take no credit for that! Remembering the pivotal times of chaos, I'm immediately brought to tears just thinking of the amazing amount of grace that's been given to our family. I feel such a level of gratitude, that I'm often unable to put it into words. The result of God's healing hand, our faith and the prayers of many others is a beautiful little angel girl, who I couldn’t be more thankful for this Christmas season. What a gift! Greater than that, is the birth of Jesus this season. I can't imagine giving up my only child for others... what a sacrifice. Praise God, I don't have to. We are so thrilled to be enjoying every moment we can with our busy little toddler today. From the deepest part of our hearts, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and pray that you too can find the best gift of all this season.


Anonymous said...

Amen. It brings tears to my eyes to read your blog; I'm thrilled that you have such as sweet little girl who has such a great giggle! God has blessed all of us and sacrificed so much for all of us! Love MOM

Carissalayla said...

geez Julie...making me cry what a beautiful post.

Merry Christmas from the Person's!

Hilty Sprouts said...

Just beautiful! I can so relate! I feel the same sense of gratitude and wonder this Christmas. I am so thankful that God brought your Mya and our Noelle through their surgeries. I know that it was God's strength and peace that pulled us through that time as well.

Suzanne Holling said...

Praise be to God!! Brings me to tears thinking about it. What a sweet little angel you have there! We are so excited to see you next weekend :)