Saturday, February 14, 2009

A fun weekend in Idaho... We enjoyed a short visit to Idaho for my sister Suzanne's baby shower. I'm so glad it's her, this time and not me! She got some great things. Mya enjoyed spending time with her cousins too. While we were there, we got to take in a delicious crab feed, see many friends and family, and Mya got to eat her carrots in the high chair I grew up in. This week has been tough on our little one, she's got a nasty cold that has included a fever and so much congestion it's pretty tough for her to breathe. I just got it myself, and I feel so bad for her- it's zapped my energy for sure! We kept her home from daycare three days this week to help her get over it. I hope it's over soon, she's so tired of us wiping her little nose. We get to enjoy a three day weekend after a long week at work. REI had some layoffs... the economy is touching all of us. I'm so thankful that I still have a job, but I have a close friend who was let go. My prayers are with the many families that are losing jobs right now! I also included a photo of Mya and Taylin, a Sunday School friend, they're 2 weeks apart. It's pretty cute to see them together. Mya also really loves time with her Daddy... they kind of like eachother!

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