A life story of a family trying to build a house of bricks for their little ones to grow from!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
January 2007 Wow- what a wonderful year so far! We started off the year with a new sister-in-law, and celebrated New Years with Suz & Jake in Spokane. We've enjoyed(?) several ice and snow storms this month in addition to a visit from Mark & Brittany, he was able to celebrate his birthday Seattle style by blowing out a candle on his birthday burrito!.. Rob's most random act this month was buying a ticket to the Seahawks playoff game the night before... and FLYING TO CHICAGO to see the game for the day! He had a great time, even though the Seahawks didn't advance to the next level. We also got a ski day in at Stevens Pass, it was pretty rough marking up the 8" of new powder!
As much fun as it's all been I think that yesterday marks the biggest landmark for us since our marriage. We've decided that we've lived in the same spot for too long, I'm pretty sure it's been a record for for me since I lived with my parents- 2 years at one address! So we finally took the plunge and decided to buy/build our first house! We are working with a building company and have chosen our property and the exterior colors (thus far) and have 45 days to complete all the details of our new home!!! It's so exciting! God is the only reason this has been made possible! Between financing and the property demand, we never though we'd get the situation we did. It's incredible. We will be choosing everything from the flooring to the wall colors to the placement of the light switches. The amazing part is that within 6 months we'll have the keys to our new house and will be able to move in! If you're interested, Here is a link to the floor plan we've chosen #1821:(http://www.quadranthomes.com/pdf/floorplans/lifestyle/1800-OLY.pdf ).
Now we're just hoping that we agree on a majority of the hundreds of decisions we have ahead of us!
Here are a few pictures of our recent adventures!
1. Rob's view at the Seattle/Chicago playoff game
2. Mark's birthday lunch
3 & 4 Family pictures at Christmas
5. A holiday party
6. Mark & Brittany's wedding 12/30/06
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