Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!
We've enjoyed the Easter season with egg decorating, egg hunting and planting our garden, and reading the Easter Story each night before putting Mya to bed. I've always loved holidays, but being able to enjoy it 2 year old is even more fun. Her favorite part of the story is when Jesus is riding into Bethlehem on his donkey. We sing, "Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest," each time, as the crowd welcomes him by waving palm branches and celebrating. She also knows why we have the first Easter. She comments each time on how the cross was really heavy for Jesus to carry, and how the angels were at the tomb to tell the women that he wasn't there. She gets really excited at that part. The Easter Bunny did come last night (and brought her a boat load of stuff I might add), but she wasn't nearly as excited for that as she was for going to church and singing "hosanna" today. Thank you Jesus for giving your life, so that we could have our amazing life. We are so blessed to be able to cherish these wonderful moments with our little one.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Palm Sunday!
We had a great time today with the Cox family. It was a big day of an egg hunt and coloring eggs together, was fun for all!

Friday, April 08, 2011

Thank you for your prayers. Great news! Baby's heart is seemingly healthy at this time. We're still waiting on Mya's Echo, but we are thankful to know that #2 is doing well so far! IT'S A GIRL! Mya is looking forward to being a big sister, she's been proud to tell people that there is a baby in Mommy's tummy and that it's a girl. She's pretty cute about it! Rob is doing better after the car wreck, his car was totaled and we were able to get a new one at a great price. We are very thankful for our financial planning/savings program... we were able to buy a new car with cash, the first time we've ever done that! Our emergency fund made the situation much less of an emergency. I recommend it to everyone! We've been working hard getting our house ready for #2 to arrive. We've transitioned Mya into a new room, she's been a little trooper helping in painting and was excited to move into her big twin sized bed from her little toddler bed. It's not totally ready yet, I'll be sure to post an update when we finish it up!